I'm totally gonna geek out on a copy of D.A. Carson's (ed) new book, The Enduring Authority of the Christian Scriptures, as soon as I can get my hands on it. (Which will be soon.) As the title indicates, the book talks about the authority of the Bible. (In fact, it talks A LOT about the authority of the Bible. The book is 1200+ pages.) And as part of that, the book upholds a nuanced-yet-firm belief in Scripture's inerrancy - that the Bible tells the truth (i.e., it is "not errant" / inerrant). As Carson says in an interview with The Gospel Coalition on the word inerrancy: Like so many other theological words, "[inerrancy] can serve as a useful one-word summary, even while it needs unpacking with care and with great attention to what Scripture says." This book helps us "unpack with care" and "give great attention to what Scripture says" regarding inerrancy and the closely-related topic of the Bible's authority. In the following 17 min video, Carson gives some reasons why the Bible's authority and inerrancy are of continuing importance. I encourage you to at least watch the first 8 minutes, where Carson addresses this most directly. The remaining 9 minutes or so are still worthwhile, but they get into the nuts and bolts of the book a bit more.
josh mavis
1/4/2025 04:30:51 pm
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Tim WiebeChristian. Husband. Father. Pastor. Learner. Contributor. Reader. Categories
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