Earlier this month I preached on Daniel 1 in Brookside Church's short series on Daniel. To see that fuller series, click here. A number of people have asked that I make this sermon accessible a bit more broadly (beyond Brookside's website and YouTube channel — both great places by the way!) With that request in mind, see below for my sermon on Daniel 1 preached on June 9, 2024. I have included the following formats below:
Sermon Video (Length: 38:37)Sermon Audio (Length: 38:37)Sermon Manuscript Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. Skeleton Outline of SermonI. Introduction II. Body A. The realities of exile (Daniel 1:1-7) B. The response in exile (Daniel 1:8-14) 1. Conviction 2. Character C. The triumph over exile (Daniel 1:15-21) 1. Daniel and friends pass the test and grow in influence 2. The presence of God "behind the scenes" (some form of "God gave..." in vv. 2, 9, 17) 3. Nebuchadnezzars disappears. Daniel remains. (v. 21) 4. Jesus' triumph over exile III. Conclusion |
Tim WiebeChristian. Husband. Father. Pastor. Learner. Contributor. Reader. Categories
August 2024