I read a fair amount - not as much as some; more than others. As someone who loves to teach, I read to stay current on content. But I also read because I really enjoy it. Reading helps me learn and process, and it helps me relax. Because I do so much reading, there aren't many books (besides the Bible) I've read more than once. With most books, I dog ear (and then Evernote) a few pages that I'll want to reference again. Or I'll return to specific chapters that are helpful in particular books. Other books have indexes that help me benefit from select content numerous times. For me, reading a book from cover to cover more than once is pretty rare. But it does happen.. And when it does, that means the book has grabbed my attention and helped shaped the flow of my thinking in particularly noticeable ways. Here are five books I've read multiple times and plan to continue reading. Consider that a recommendation to check 'em out yourself.
What books have you returned to again and again, and why? What books would make your list?
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Tim WiebeChristian. Husband. Father. Pastor. Learner. Contributor. Reader. Categories
August 2024