Design Points to a Designer: A worthwhile (and short!) video on the fine-tuning of the universe.2/10/2015
Last session in our Apologetics class on Sunday afternoons, we responded to this question: Does God Exist? And Does it Matter? As part of that, we looked at some of the traditional "arguments" that cumulatively make the case for God's existence: the ontological argument (getting to God from the very idea of God itself), the cosmological argument (getting to God from origins), the teleological argument (getting to God from design), the moral argument (getting to God from "ought"), etc. In talking about the teleological argument, I ran across this great video at William Lane Craig's site, Reasonable Faith. The video is less than 7 minutes long, and does a good job at making a case for God from design in a way that is both accessible and appropriately thorough. Check it out:
2/20/2015 12:24:32 am
Actually it's this fine tuning that makes me a believer in God above Comments are closed.
Tim WiebeChristian. Husband. Father. Pastor. Learner. Contributor. Reader. Categories
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