I've got four boys, and one of the "challenges" we face many evenings is getting them to make it to suppertime with an appetite. You see, they come home from school and want a snack - perfectly understandable, right? But if we're not careful, that snacking can turn into grazing until suppertime, and by then they've lost their appetite! And the thing is, my wife is a good cook. She makes great food, and she does her best to make it healthy and nourishing. And so if they "graze" from 3:30pm-5:30pm, my sons can fill their stomachs with stuff that's not always super healthy and completely lose their appetite for the things that will truly sustain them - protein, vegetables, etc. I wonder how often we do this with the Word of God? Appetite KillersLike my kids snacking their way until supper, we can "fill our stomachs" with junk food that does little for us, and curbs our appetite for real nourishment - the Word of God. Without much explanation or commentary, here's a sampling of things that can potentially curb our appetite for God's Word. None of these things are necessarily bad in and of themselves. (Neither is an afternoon snack after school, in my opinion.) Let me say that again: None of these things are necessarily bad in and of themselves. But if left unchecked, these things can negatively impact our hunger for the Bible.
Coming Hungry to God's WordAs I read through Scripture, I find again and again God's people coming to God's Word with an appetite - they're hungry for it. Here are some verses that should shape our own approach to God's Word and keep us hungry for it:
Can our approach to God's Word be characterized with this same hunger? Do we approach our personal times in God's Word this way? Do we come hungry to the preaching and teaching of God's Word in gathered settings? As we develop an appetite for God's Word, are there "appetite killers" I didn't mention that you thought of? What practical things can we do to "come hungry" to God's Word?
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Tim WiebeChristian. Husband. Father. Pastor. Learner. Contributor. Reader. Categories
August 2024