As Brookside Church continues our 365 Series to read through the Bible in 2016, the Brookside Institute will keep thinking about how we can line up with that (awesome) goal and come alongside it in the ways we can. One way this can take shape is for us to highlight certain books on this site that can help people better understand - and more deeply appreciate - things we're reading as we track through the Bible. First, an important note: At Brookside, we always want people to be reading the Bible first and most. "Extra reading" should never distract us from reading God's Word. (Let me say it directly: If you don't have time to read the Bible AND other Christian books, put the other books down and use your time to read the Bible closely.) The best sort of extra Christian reading is books that push us into THE BOOK (the Bible) and help us better understand and appreciate its message. Now with that said, let's acknowledge the fact the other books CAN INDEED help push us into the Bible, and better understand and appreciate everything it says. This has proven true in my own life, and I talk with people often who have been greatly aided in their understanding of God and His Word by something they read in a solid Christian book. All of that is important stuff to agree on as we proceed. And now with this understanding, let me identify three books that can help you dig more deeply into the Old Testament - in terms of both understanding and appreciation. I was talking with my dad this last week (he's also tracking along with 365) and he mentioned two of these and brought them to the forefront of my attention again. He talked 'em up enough I figured I'd better give them a shout out here! (Thanks, Dad!) The third book is a bit more technical and academic than the other two, but that doesn't mean its not helpful and really worthwhile. Its depth helps us appreciate the value and meaning of the Old Testament in some very important ways. Here they are - 3 books that can help you dig more deeply into the Old Testament. (Click on either the titles or images below and you'll be taken to the Amazon pages where you can learn more.)
josh mavis
1/4/2025 04:32:14 pm
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Tim WiebeChristian. Husband. Father. Pastor. Learner. Contributor. Reader. Categories
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