Welcome to "The Library"
As the Brookside Institute seeks to build and reinforce foundations of the Christian faith, we need to do more than create solid content. We also want to COLLECT content that will keep us pointed in the right direction. With that in mind, welcome to "The Library."
Here's what you'll find below:
Happy reading!
Here's what you'll find below:
- " The Showcase," highlighting the top 5 blog posts on this site from the last month.
- An "Around the Web" section, featuring Dr. Tim Wiebe's publishing, podcasts, external posts, etc.
- "Important Posts" in the areas most central to the Brookside Institute: (1) biblical engagement, (2) theological formation, and (3) equipping.
- A growing catalogue of "Recommended Resources" in areas like prayer, Bible study, apologetics, and much more.
Happy reading!
The Showcase: The Top 5 Blog Posts from December 2024
*** Check out these "Retired Jersey" blog posts that have proven exceedingly popular over a long period of time! ***
- 8 Things We Learn about God in Deuteronomy 4-10
- How Do We Embody the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:3-12? Look at Jesus.
- Matthew 11:27-30 and the Importance of Context
- Are Spiritual Gifts Pretty Much Like Christian Superpowers?
- Character Counts | The Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)
- Revelation 3:17 is a Scary Verse
- What Do You Think of When You Hear the Word 'Theology'?
- Gregg Allison on the Importance and Role of Christian Education in the Life of the Church
- The Importance of the Christian Worldview
- 6 Books that Can Help You Respond to the Uncomfortable - but Unavoidable - Reality of Suffering
- What is Moralistic Therapeutic Deism? And How Does it Stack Up against Biblical Christianity?
- What's Good about Having the Bible on Mobile Devices? What's Dangerous?
Around the Web (Tim Wiebe's publishing, podcasts, external posts, etc)
Podcast interviewWhy Study Theology — Theology for the Church podcast, hosted by Dr. Caleb Lenard (Jan 2023)
Book (self-published) |
ArticleThe "Why?" and "How?" of Theological Education in the Local Church (2024) — posted at The Center for Transformational Churches at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Podcast interviewWhat Does It Mean to Follow Jesus — Theology for the Church podcast, hosted by Dr. Caleb Lenard (Dec 2024)
Book spotlight"Top 10 Books on Being a Disciple and Making Disciples in 2024" — What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus was #4 on the list at Discipleship.org (January 2025)
Important Posts on Biblical Engagement
Important Posts on Theological Formation
Importants Posts on Equipping in the Local Church
Recommended Resources
Click on any images or text below, and you'll be able to view a handful (or so) of book/resource recommendations in each category.