hear what people who have taken "History Matters" have to say about the class:
People just like you have taken "History Matters: The Church's Roots from the Apostles to Today" and have benefited from it. Take a few minutes and hear what they've got to say:
- I knew I needed to know more about church history. [This class] was above and beyond what I expected.
- [The class] has given me a base knowledge to start with and build upon and therefore teach my kids.
- I was very interested in learning more about how the church evolved. My expectations were far exceeded! My appetite has been whetted. I have numerous resources for continued reading and learning.
- Class was excellent. Lectures and discussions complemented and expanded on the text. Note: Textbook was very helpful.
- A knowledge of history is essential as we move through time. Learning from both the mistakes and successes of the past should enable us to have a better future.
- Great material. Most Christians have no concept of our rich heritage...We have so much available.
- [This class] reinforced that God is all-powerful - can use flawed people - like us - to further His kingdom and purpose.
- [This class] encourages me to see how God has been faithful for 2000 years even when working through imperfect people...He wants to use me too. :)
- This class has been a very easy and accessible way to whet my appetite for a more in depth study of church history. I didn’t know what I was missing, but now I have a backbone for future studies. The timeline has now been etched into my brain and will allow all future history studies to have a context.